Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Back in the Rabbit Hole -(Day 1)

Here I sit. Typing to you from inside the rabbit hole! Yes, I got myself admitted again. I'm so tired. I want to unzip my body and climb out! My friend says that would just be bloody and messy. I need a sleeping pill, or Haldol or Thorazine or something! I don't know how many days I will be here. Last time I was here six. The Skittles have yet to be delivered. I'm waiting on food. I hope that will help me feel better.

This morning, I called my psych dr. Told her what I've typed here lately. She said if I didn't take myself to the psych ER, she would call an ambulance to take me! So here I sit. I just got frisked- both with clothes on and without! I just haven't been able to sit still and yet my body absolutely aches for sleep. I was lucky to get admitted to the same hospital as last time; they don't always have beds. I didn't want to go to a strange hospital that may or may not have computers.

Strangely, people keep asking me if I'm hearing voices, but I'm not. I don't know why not. I mean, that would be entertaining, right? If I'm going to go batshit, at least make it interesting!

This day feels like its been three days long. Its 11:08 p.m. and my body says its 4:00 a.m. All of that bouncing like the rabbit I am no doubt contributed to this.

No bathroom privileges. Again. Ugh. I have to ask every time I need to go. Then after a day or two they unlock it. My roomate is asleep. She doesn't appear to be very exciting, but hey- she's asleep. Back to groups. Back to more groups. But art therapy is fun! And my bank account will stay intact, unlike yesterday when I tried to buy a tablet.

I keep telling my story over and over. They don't seem to be able to understand how I could be suicidal one day and manic the next week. How could I talk about dying and going into paradise yet not feel sad and wanting to kill myself? Well, I don't know! It just is! Is the sun still sending my messages? They all think its seasonal affective disorder- SAD. Its NOT! I'm NOT SAD!

These computers make me happy.

I keep having a duality of my mind telling me the things it tells me- about knowing everything sent from the angels- and then the other side says, "No, that's not possible". Its teeters back and forth between the two. I must say that I'm not making these things up. I really do feel the way I type here and I really do believe what I type.

I'm exhausted. I'm beyond hungry. I need a reboot. All of me does. That's why I'm here.

1 comment:

  1. You are where you are supposed to be for the moment...that's not an observation of being inpatient, by the way, it's philosophical so you'll know that things happen for a reason. Maybe you're just fine, or maybe you're batshit crazy. That's not for my to say and I so dislike the word "crazy" anyway. For what it's worth, I think you are amazing. And you can count on me being here when you need to chat. Love and hugs from one nut to another :)
