Sunday, October 6, 2013

Social/They Aren't Happy with Me (Day 6)

My ex-husband and youngest son came to visit me today. I got hugs from my son. That was so nice! Also, my friend, C, came to see me, as well as K (again). All and all, it was a very nice social day.

I had a migraine, though, and its still not totally gone, even though I got two Immitrex. Dinner is in a few minutes; maybe that will help.

I'm still on "ward" status. That basically is "level zero" even though they don't call it that. That means I have to stay on the floor here and not allowed to leave at all- not even with supervision. That also maybe translates into how soon I might get out of here. I'm not sure, because the last time I was here I don't remember getting moved up and levels and I obviously left.

I also got a shower and am doing laundry. I feel very refreshed! I will read more of my book tonight. I filled out some papers that are required before you leave about what your plans are when you are out for the first 48 hours. Maybe that is a sign? Maybe they are getting ready to let me go? I really don't know. I just know that unless I can say 110% that the thoughts of flying are gone, they aren't happy with me.

On a happier note, we are having another movie, tonight! "Red" with Morgan Freeman. Should be good. There will be popcorn, too!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a good day over all. Glad we wrapped up your day with a nice chat. Tomorrow we'll do it again! Hugs and love from Southeast Georgia!!
