Monday, October 7, 2013

Of Two Minds (Day 7)

I just had another meeting with "the Bobs". They wanted to know if they broke open a window from here (9 floors up) would I fly out. I told them I'd fly for a moment but then fall. They asked what about one storey up- like the balcony I wrote about here at Meijer- and I said I might. I said I'm of two minds: One says I can and the other says I can't. They said they want to send me to a step-down house or something instead of keeping me here. They can give me my meds but its not as strict of a place. They also said they want to make me a "level 1" here so I can go to the gym or go on walks outside with supervision. The one doctor kept laughing at me. I don't see anything funny. They increased my heparin shots from 1 to 2 a day. I told them my thoughts have gone from a stereo sound dial on 9 down to a 2 or 3: Still there, but very quiet. They mentioned putting me on another drug. That's all they said. I forgot to ask what and when. I'm not sure about going somewhere else. I need to call my case worker about recertification. Ugh. I missed the phone call the day I came in here; actually, they were late calling by over an hour or two and then my phone wasn't able to work here; I don't know who my case worker is. I'm hoping the papers I copied can be found because the info is on there. I know for sure its not here. Plus my phone never got paid - it was due on the 2nd- so even if it wasn't locked up downstairs, nobody can can get ahold of me.

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