Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Hallucinations de Hare -(Day 2)

Last night, I was in bed. I wasn't asleep yet. I was just laying there trying to fall asleep. I was very tired, taking in the extraneous sounds of the building. I'd been here before; they weren't that unfamiliar. The big digital clock in the wall flashed red digits at me. Midnight-"O"-two. Everytime I'd close my eyes, I was wide awake. Next to the big window that doesn't open, the dark expanse to the world below went by. Faintly, I begain to hear something. Yes! A marching band. Way in the distance. They must be way down the street, I thought. The music played continuously. Loud marching band music, but it was as if the band were half a mile away, coming toward me. I shifted in my bed. Now the music might be coming from a radio that's turned down. Very detailed band music with lots of trumpets blaring.

My nurse just came to talk to me. She went through a bunch of things, including my meds that are ordered. One of them was a nicotine patch! Oh my god, if I'd actually gotten that I can only imagine how awful I'd have felt. She just wrote, "Not appropriate" in the notes, but sheesh! She said they figured that I self-medicate with cigarettes. Hmm... Lots of people must, but not me. I am getting another dose of Zyprexa and some Ativan before my first group- stretching. Skilttles. I hope this slows me down. I just woke up, too. I really want some coffee, but I think they'd frown on that. Ha! Its possible that I will get prescribed another medication by one of the doctors here. Last year, I got Topomax.

I have to go my first group in fourty minutes. Geesh I don't have that much to say here. My nurse just left. She said I can have decaf coffee. My hand is shaking. I don't feel all that bouncy right now. My head hurts a bit. These people are determined to therapy and drug me into submission! I did like stretching a lot last time I was here. I just feel like going back to bed for some reason. Maybe I wore myself out bouncing so much all day yesterday. Where is my music?! I want to hear it! In Paradisum!

The rabbit has had Skittles and yet they aren't doing anything. Earlier, I wanted to be done here. Just run out. They have my stuff though. They always have my stuff. Ugh can't I just go home and sleep in my own bed? Back to In Paradisum? Please?!!?!?!?!

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