Monday, October 21, 2013

Nothing Much & Old Friends

Nothing much has been going on the last few days. Having access to posting all the time really makes me wonder just what is there to post! I saw S.B. yesterday for the first time in a year and three months. It was really very nice.It was nice to talk with an old friend- a worn-in friendship. Comfortable. We said we'd have to get together a lot sooner than a year plus next time. We've known each other for 7 years. It hardly seems possible. He's one I can always talk to about my bipolar and not fear that he's going to run away, as he's got a doctorate in behavioral pharmacology.

I said nothing much has been going on, but I guess I meant in terms of bipolar. The new dose of Zyprexa has kicked in and the intrusive thoughts are at bay for the time being. Haven't had one in several days, anyway. I've been enjoying my new tablet still and am using it to type this, which was its intended purpose. When I have the need to post here, I need to be able to post at the time and not wait to borrow a computer like before. Its amazing that I could borrow one as often as I posted when manic, recently. Tomorrow, I go for the yearly bipolar study appointment. That should last about three hours, they said. I really don't get paid that much, considering, but then again, I just answer the questions honestly about how I've been feeling and what my experiences have been. This year, I've been manic, so there will be something to tell about! Last year, I said something similar- that I'd been hospitalized then too and wasn't it great that there would be so much to tell them! They were not amused and couldn't see why I'd see that as a bonus. Ha! I still see that I'll have more to talk about this year what with having been manic and hospitalized. I'm sure they'll just tell me that mania is not a joke. Har har.

I have also been posting quite a lot on a bulletin board for bipolar people. Its part of a larger forum for mental health. I have noticed that I've been more active, as I keep hitting refresh to see if there are any new posts or any new replies. I don't know what that's about. Maybe I'm bored. Maybe I'm a bit hypomanic? Its like the board isn't going quickly enough for me. Oh- and about typing into this blog, when I was using the virtual keyboard that came with the tablet, the keyboard took up all but a skinny line for where the text showed up! Now, with the external keyboard, I can see a huge square in which to type. Much better!

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