Friday, November 17, 2017

Curtain of Snow

I was sitting and relaxing at my favorite Starbucks when I thought I saw snow on the backs of a few cars in the parking lot. I mentioned this to a friend I was talking with on the phone at the time. The conversation continued and then a curtain of snow fell down with a defined bottom and sides, plain as day. I walked up to the cars with "snow" on their backs. Yup. It was real snow.

Thursday, November 16, 2017

And that's a No.

I needed to get my blister packs for my pills refilled. I wasn't sure if my pdoc was going to make any changes before I went to the pharmacy before I went in. Nope. So I still have to cut the Zyprexa in half. (From 5 to 2.5.) That also means we're not starting any other med, including Lamictal. I did get Eloquis (New blood thinner instead of Coumadin. I don't have to get my INR checked with Eloquis). Two other meds- Propranalol and Metformin- have also been reduced in half. Yesterday, I saw a liver specialist. I'm doing better, but he wants me to lose weight. Seems that's what will fix everything.

Sunday, November 12, 2017

The Biological Clock

I have sleep apnea and have for several years. I use a CPAP machine at night. I found this link that shows the role of the biological clock on bipolar disorder, including sleep apnea. For one thing, one wakes up continually when they stop breathing as part of apnea and this disturbs one's sleep. Definitely lack of sleep or just a shift change at work can affect how your brain deals with bipolar. Staying up all night or just not being able to sleep can push you over the edge into an episode- usually mania (as least for me!). Disturbing your biological clock in general and disturb your mood parts of the brain, especially if you're bipolar.