Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Loxapine and Caplyta and Command Hallucinations

The voices came back two nights ago telling me to kill my friend. Luckily he knows I am not the voices and would never do that! Saw my Pdoc today.  Very good appointment I told her about the breakthrough auditory hallucinations.  She called them “command hallucinations”.  When I look up command hallucinations I see it associated with schizophrenia but not bipolar.  Could that be part of my schizoaffective disorder?  She doubled my Ativan from .5 at bedtime to .5 morning and bedtime.  She also doubled my propranolol for my unwanted movements.   She has Loxapine in her back pocket in case the hallucinations don’t go away stating that I’ve only been on Caplyta two weeks and it takes about a month to take full effect.