Tuesday, November 6, 2012

I Post Here and Yet....

I have posted about sharing about being bipolar. It's not always a good idea. People have their preconceived notions about the disease and like it or not we will be judged. Why, then, am I keeping a blog? It helps me get my thoughts about how I'm feeling together. When I've posted, I feel a sense of relief and peace. Its not going to be beautified and sweetened - no flowers and rainbows here. It's my reality. The good, bad, beautiful or scary. I don't share these things lightly and in fact what I write is 99% for me alone. For that other 1%, you are the privileged few to see inside me. I love to read any comments, but in light of the nature of this blog- ie bipolar- if blatantly unsupportive replies are made, I will delete them. I choose not to deal with unkind reflections or at least unthoughtabout before the post button was pressed.

To my closest friends, thank you for reading and thank you for your support!


  1. Thanks for sharing and allowing me to be one of the few to read. <3.

  2. You're very welcome, AnnMarie!
