Wednesday, March 21, 2012


This is a touchy subject for everybody. Especially in the last 5 years.

Mania tends to make one lose inhibitions, and depression to ignore problems. One day, you think you're on top of the world and can afford to max out all your credit cards, and a month later the bills come and the guilt hits. And the month after that. For some people this means $15,000 in a year or two; for others its that much in a MONTH!

Its a horrible problem for anybody, but for bipolar people, that lack of checks-and-balances - literally- is a huge deal. I've heard of others who have had friends give them loans or family members cosign for things. Most of us aren't that "lucky". I say "lucky" because once you do that you are forever "attached" to that person in a more intimate way than you probably were before.

Mania can make you feel like you not only WANT every book of your favorite author, but NEED them- NOW and maybe to go on a vacation, buy a new car, or any other big item. "Lucky" for me, I don't have a lot of money and the great credit I had was shot on tummy tucks, trips, and various other "fun" things.

Is there a bill that says "All those with bipolar are forgiven their debts?" Nope. Not unless they added to the "Lord's Prayer", or Obama somehow gets really empathetic with us.

Its just gonna take one of three things: 1. A miracle 2. Winning the lottery. 3. bargaining and paying the bill collectors. I've only heard of once someone giving a loan for debts and then not asking for it to be paid back. That was many years ago and I'm all-the-more surprised to this day.

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