Monday, March 19, 2012

Overwhelming Stimuli

The following italicized text is a post I wrote on 1/1/11. I comment about it after.

I am out at the movies and in the hallway waiting for the last 15 mins so my 2 friends can finish the movie. My o e friend suggested tron a d I said no because it's very loud and I get migraines. Well sure enough he just picks tron! He vetoed out of hand the others that we picked.

So the 3D was making me dizzy. But it's the sound. I get it at restaurants sometimes. It's like it physically is overwhelming from the inside- not just hurting my ears. I also get migraine and luckily I don't have one from it but the whole experience was not fun.

Other times, it's people talking- I can hear each voice rather than tuning them out to a din. It's physically unsettling and makes me irritated as in manic unsettled. Right now I'll be ok. But it was so unpleasant.

I have been in busy restaurants where I felt like I could hear each and every voice that was talking. Every voice was permeating- almost grating- and pervasive, so that the total effect was like being cut repeatedly with tiny knives. There is a scene that got to me in "Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close": The main character, a 10-year-old boy, was "borderline" autistic. He was in the bathroom in the tub when the colors seemed brighter and the sounds seemed much louder. This is a lot like what its like to have overwhelming stimuli during hypo/mania.


  1. The only thing I think can of that someone without bi-polar could sorta relate to that is when you have a migraine and every little noise seems piercing, and any bit of light seems blinding. Is it anything like that??

  2. Actually, I get migraines, too. It is like that, but that's more of a feeling of "get me away from this!" When you have heightened senses, its overwhelming, but where everything seems more 3D, i guess. Kind of like looking at a photo and then the same one in a ViewMaster- everything pops out.

  3. I kinda can relate because of migraines and other things actually, just not to the same degree. This is when I'm likely to have a panic attack if I feel crowded too at the same time.
