Monday, February 18, 2013

Check-up with Psychiatrist

I just got out of an followup appointment with my psychiatrist. She does NOT think I've been in a mixed state because she says I have NOT had all the criteria for manic at the same time as all the criteria for depressed; she says I've been more on the depressed side. That the fact that I went out and spent a lot of money on getting my nails done a couple days ago was just trying to make myself feel better from being depressed, rather than manic spending. She's not changing my medications, but she did write some refills for 3 or 4 that are out. I can have my pill bottles back, too. She thinks I'm getting better from the higher Zyprexa dose and I agree. The thoughts are getting quieter and less and less. I suppose I haven't felt really manic like I did last summer. If you read those, this is not that! So diagnosis is "bipolar depression and getting better" I guess. I can't see the official diagnosis code anymore since its all electronic as of late.

1 comment:

  1. I know this isn't hugely helpful, but I'm hoping that the coming days of increased daylight and nicer weather will help lift your spirits. MORE HUGS...
