Thursday, January 28, 2021

Oh! They killed EVERYthing!

 Time just keeps going.  I don't even know why I'm writing this, except that I just looked through my Facebook memories and they were from 2010, 2012, etc.  I didn't even have this blog in 2010!  Below, I've posted a link to a video of me and Nataleigh, my daughter.  This must have been around 2006 considering how old she looks.  We were just having a great time at Wendy's for lunch.  It's not the best quality because it was filmed on an old phone-  MAYbe on my iPhone?  Or if not, maybe the one before that which was not a smart phone.  I'm not sure, but I don't have an iPhone anymore.  That was years ago, which may match up with when this was taken, actually.  Me and Nataleigh at Wendy's . 

But back to time keeps going... We all know this.  Every day, you are that much older.  Kids grow up, have their own kids, etc. and pretty soon the photos and videos of me and MY kids turn into them and THEIR kids.  This hasn't happened yet for me, but I watched it happen to my mother.  And I see old pictures of when MY kids were born and think that I was 25 at the time my eldest came into this world, and that would make my mom 50 in those pix.  Now, this year, I turn 49!  I'm not expecting any of my kids to have a baby any time soon, but anything is possible.  My parents are now 74 this year and I see things in the news about famous people dying at age 83, etc.  That gives my parents another 10 or so years to live and then they will be gone.  Well, it all depends.  Anything could happen.  My mom's mom lived until she was 94 and my dad's parents lived into their 90's as well.  My maternal grandfather died in his early 80's because he had lung and brain cancer.  So now all my four grandparents are dead.  Nothing unusual about that, I supposed when I'm nearly 50.  I was sad that they died, but it is going to be really hard when my parents die.  I am not looking forward to that day, except to imagine that I will be very sad.  

So for today, I think I'll clean something.  Call my kids.  My youngest is in school today all day, so I shouldn't call and disturb him.  The old videos that I found and put on youtube recently- one of them was me and the kids at the dinosaur museum.  Nathan and Nataleigh walked into a different room, but Noah kept walking in the big, main room filled with animal skeletons both big and small.  A few seconds in, he exclaims, "Oh!  They killed EVERYthing!"  Fun to actually see him say one of the funny things he has always said that I've written down and written books about! Oh! They killed EVERYthing!

Time just keeps going.  And that's good.  I'm an archivist at heart.  I love taking photographs and writing down quotes of my kids'.  Today, the funny things they say are far and few between- mostly because I don't live with them 24/7/365 like I used to.  But every so often, I catch a flash of something remarkable.  It certainly has made for great conversations over the years!  So here's to today and tomorrow and yesterday.  May we keep in touch with our family so those memories don't fade and we make new memories every day!

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