Monday, February 22, 2021

Psychotic Breaks?

 My dad once referred to my having a psychotic break but I really think I haven't. I don't know if my dad thought that because of what I write in my bipolar blog - including the recent poetry- because I don't remember writing "Pdoc says it was a psychotic break..." I have felt persecuted at times though. Most recently, I though people were out to steal my identity- and why not, when a commercial for Lifelock comes on several time an hour on tv? Another time, I thought there were people in my walls coming to get me. Or the time I was convinced these two people were following me and my daughter- all the way into the parking garage and ALMOST to our car, when they got into their own car. I'm not sure if these are psychotic breaks or just my imagination. I thought aliens were at the balcony door/window- knocking ever so lightly- when I was 20 and had just gotten my wisdom teeth out. My parents said it was the pain meds making me think those things. That same time period, I thought the dark was coming to get me. The blackness of the windows at night was coming inside to get me. Again- meds or...?

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