Monday, September 21, 2020

"Touched With Fire" - The Movie There are trailers here to watch for free from this movie.  

 Last night, I watched "Touched with Fire" on Amazon.  It's a movie about two bipolar people- Carla, played by Katie Holmes and Marco, played by Luke Kirby- who meet in a psychiatric ward and make each other manic- several times.  I found it to be a little triggering, but nothing too bad.  The way it portrayed mania is quite accurate, though I don't have a partner in crime when I am manic!  There is a book of the same name by Kay Redfield Jamison.  She is famous for her books on bipolar.  In the movie, the couple meets Ms. Jamison and discuss her book and lithium and bipolar in general.  She can see that they are not medicated and tries to "hint" about how taking lithium improved her life.  (I think this really was Ms. Jamison in the movie.)  The main characters get pregnant and paint an elaborate interpretation of "Starry Night" by the Dutch painter, Van Gogh on all the walls in the nursery before she is even showing.  Not to spoil too much, but she decides to take her prescribed medications and he still refuses.  The way their thinking is elaborated in the film is very realistic and a little bit triggering for me- including the parts where they fall into depression.  That said, they were supposed to be extremely manic and I have been manic but not to the extent as these two characters were- especially him.  The ending is a believable ending and all in all it was a good movie.  Just don't think that all bipolar people are like these characters all of the time.  Maybe not ANY of the time!

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