Saturday, September 26, 2020

Pre-Moving Day

 I am sitting listening to NPR waiting for my new couch to be delivered- of course, the old couch has to go first.  My eldest child is getting the old couch for her apartment.  I've been up since 7 a.m. and it's now 8:40 a.m.  Today is my youngest's 19th birthday!  He is coming to help get the new couch and bring it to my place.  We will have to move the couch again on Thursday when I move but I hope it is relatively easy- especially moving the old one into my eldest's place.  

Was reading a couple more articles about bipolar and migraines- apparently they are really linked.  I've posted about this before, but thought I'd reiterate that they are related to each other.  Luckily, I haven't had a migraine in several months.  Sumatriptan works if you catch the migraine early.  If you let the migraine get really bad, it's not going to help.  Rizatriptan works much better, but my insurance won't pay for it any more.  You can find many articles on this just by doing a google search.

This morning is very nice.  I'm up, having had a couple cups of coffee.  I should eat something, but all my dishes are packed, basically!  I hope my moving day is as lovely.  I can't wait until we are done moving things in this Thursday - boxes everywhere, but the couch will be there and I hope it works out for hooking up the TV/internet on one side of the living room and the couch on the other.  I think Caleb and I will get some stuff put away the day he is here- actually the next day.  I don't know when he will want to go home- it depends on how long he wants to rent the car for, I guess.  I wish he would stay Thursday and Friday at least.  

I am thinking that Monday will be my day to sign the lease.  Maybe Tuesday or Wednesday at the latest.  I will feel so much better after that.  I don't even know how much my portion of the rent is yet.  And I assume they haven't done the inspection yet, but if not I hope they do it soon and it passes!  The new complex said the apartment was ready two weeks ago, but they couldn't do the inspection until they got back a packet that the new place needed to fill out and send back.  I also need the link to the portal where I can pay the rent.  I'll have to pay for one day at the old place since I'll be here on the first still.  I have the internet still running through Thursday here.  Therefore, I can pay the one day of rent and the water bill here.  I hope they can move my internet to the new place.  They said they couldn't find the address in their database.  

So its hurry up and wait. My section 8 worker asked the new complex- a higher up person than I had been talking with- to reduce my rent by $30 a month.  They said YES! I was worried that would be another snaffu.  Only 5 days left!

Editing to add: My mom and her husband just left my place- the "old" place.  The person came to pick up the washing machine!  Tomorrow, someone is coming to get the piano and I don't know what to say about the organ.  But I need all 3 of these gone before Thursday.   My eldest has my old couch now and really likes it!  The new couch is wonderful!  I just fit laying down on it and it's very comfy to sit on.  Oh- the lady who came to get the washing machine said I don't look old enough to be an "empty nester"!  Yay! I must look like I'm in my 30's or something because I didn't get carded last time I got a beer at Red Robin. ha!

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