Saturday, May 4, 2019

Singing for a friend at Lunch

I went to lunch with a friend from our now-defunct lunch group. At the end of the meal, as I sat across from her, I was singing songs and explaining them to her. Drinking songs from the 17th century, an odd choral piece that included the lyrics, " A bird! A blue bird! A dead hawk rotting on a pole." And "Yellow, yellow! It is not a colour!" (I've forgotten what it is though!) Just singing happily along... This mustve lasted 10 minutes. Its 5:30- don't feel tired from staying up till 5:30 am and taking a couple-hour nap this morning. Now, I'm settled watching "Les Choristes"- a French film. I found it by accident years ago. Took my sox off- aaahh! FRESH! Lovin' dancing to the radio in the car- or the music in my brain- all those ear worms. At least today I didn't sleep the day away. Chemical straightjacket, indeed!


Yellow, yellow, yellow, yello!
It is not a color.
It is summer!
It is the wind on a willow,
the lap of waves, the shadow
under a bush, a bird, a bluebird
three herons, a dead hawk
rotting on a pole-
Clear yellow!
It is a piece of blue paper
in the grass or a three cluster of
green walnuts swaying, children
playing croquet or one boy
fishing, a man 
swinging his pink fists
as he walks-

Carlos Williams. 

Set to music by Libby Larsen (1989)
Recoording in link below:

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for sharing this and for what you're doing! Keep it up! You're a strong, wonderful person!
