Sunday, September 22, 2013

Light, Anti-Depressants and Mania

Its the time of year where I get manic. This may, in part, be due to the change in the quality of light. The angle of the sun changes, in addition to less light every day. I feel like the type of light changes. My psych doctor suggested a natural light box. I still think it might make me manic because it helps depressed people, but I'm going to give it a shot. My friend has one that he will give me. I don't know how to use it except to sit by it for a little bit every day. I think I'll just have it in my room and have it on next to me while I watch t.v. Last Fall, as I've said, I had a manic episode and my inpatient stay. Some of this, I think, had to do with the light.

As a side note, other things which make me manic are anti-depressants. The last time I was on one, I couldn't sit still for anything. I HAD to move and talk and walk in circles. My friend that I'd called who has a doctoral degree in behavioral pharmacology laughed at me as we talked on the phone. He did agree that it was the Celexa doing that to me. This is why I'm wondering if the light has an effect on the same part of the brain as an anti-depressant. I guess we shall see.

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