Friday, April 26, 2013

Good Friends

I have mentioned this person before, but last night we had a chat again. He said I am wonderful- again. No matter that messed-up things I tell him about me, he still seems to like me. I said that I suck and he replied, "not suck! not not not". And then, "you have challenges, but you handle them! you are lovely". These are the comments that keep me going! I told him I'm glad he's around and he says thank you, "the feeling is mootual". Gives a person warm fuzzies! A few says later, I was talking about my job interview process, saying, "I am smiley an happy. People should like me!" after he commented, "don't worry. be your usual smiley happy self" and then replied that, "we do! all the voices in my head love you!" Hahahaha!

These are only current examples. But they really make me feel better. We can talk about most anything. In fact, when I was manic last fall, we got into an argument over circumcision- and I wouldn't back down and was quite nasty. That was the mania talking. I was quite upset later that I'd acted that way. I told him then that I value our friendship much more than being right or wrong in an argument. Stupid brain! The point is, we got through that and I'm glad he's still my friend.

I have another friend who takes me to the ER or the Psych ER when needed and has stayed with me for hours upon hours and then driven me home. Not only that, he's kept me company! Sometimes, the friend in the first paragraph has talked with me on the phone during times in the psych ER and laughed with me to ease the pain, too.

I can't forget the friend who gets me though things every day. We talk or text every day. Whatever is going on in my life, we discuss. He's there for me almost at any hour of the day, as he gets up for work at 4:30 a.m. He's great for passing my thoughts by, for a laugh, and for a good friend - a different sort of friend, but all three are different in their own ways. All three wonderful in their own ways.

Then there are all my other friends who are close in their own way. I don't have as much contact with them, but they are there for me when I've been in the hospital, or had a weird drug reaction. They love me even when I'm having my most difficult times with bipolar.

I am glad to have such close, wonderful, loving friends.

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