Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Safety Plan, Driving, Seroquel Increase

 I saw my case manager today.  We spent an hour writing a safety plan.  This one is much more in depth than any others that I have created- it has names and phone numbers of people to call, calming things to do, things to look forward to...  None of them I created myself- they're always created with my case manager.  

Yesterday, my youngest child took his road test to get his license.  He passed!  We did some last minute backward and parallel parking a couple hours before in a parking lot that was set up for students to practice.  N3 said it was good that we did that before his test.  So tomorrow he gets his license- at least the paper one and the plastic one will come in the mail I assume.  Then he's all set up to drive - except he doesn't know how to drive a manual yet!  The car he bought is a stick shift, so he will have to practice!  But soon I won't have to drive him into work or pick him up.  What will I do?  No excuse to get up early!  (4:30!)

It's supposed to be a heat index of 100 at some point between now and 8 p.m. tonight.  Not as bad as some places!  And boy!  Speaking of cars, I'm glad mine has air conditioning.  My old one did not and I had to drive around feeling very hot with the windows down.  It was loud and sticky!

I finally got my increased Seroquel prescription.  My pdoc was supposed to write it and send it to the pharmacy on Friday soon after I talked with her.  But when I went to pick it up the pharmacy said they didn't have it.  The pharmacy asked me if I'd like for them to fill my other script for it, but that script is for 150 not 300.  So I said, no, I need the 300's.  So since it was Friday, nothing was open so I had to wait until Monday to call either the Pdoc's office or the pharmacy again.  Meanwhile, I didn't take my increased dose, UNTIL Monday night where I got the bright idea to take the "extra" 150 from one of my expired blister packs that I didn't use at the hospital.  (They give you your meds from their own pharmacy in the hospital.)  So Monday night, I felt like I was under water- my body felt overly heavy and my muscles felt like I was trying to walk through a swimming pool, each move pronounced.  I was also sleepy. I went straight to bed after that.  Then the next day, yesterday, I took the same 300 dose (this time from the 300 script I'd picked up finally) and felt slow again and sleepy.  At some point, this has to wear off, but I just hope I don't get diabetes from Seroquel.  I know somebody online who did and he is not happy, obviously.  (But he was on 400/day.  Not sure how long he had been on it.)  Seroquel is one of the only antipsychotics that I can take; I'm allergic to a bunch of them. Pdoc also increased my Haldol from 2 1/2 at bedtime AND PRN 2 twice a day.  It had been written for once a day.

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