Sunday, October 4, 2020

Third Day In New Apartment

 Today is my third day here at the new apartment!  It is also my middle child's (daughter) 21st birthday!  She went out to a restaurant/bar last night so that at midnight she could drink.  She said they messed up her plan- everyone was saying it was her birthday, so when the bartender got to her, she didn't even card her!  She is disappointed that she didn't get asked for her ID.  I don't get carded anymore and that's on the rare time that I drink anyway.  

I'm in the living room listening to Pergolesi's Stabat Mater sung by Rene Jacobs and Sebastian Hennig.  Famous recording.  I've had it for maybe 25 years, but this is a new copy because the old one skipped. I'm listening through my tv because it has much better sound than my regular CD player.  I've been putting away DVDs and CDs and VHS tapes today.  Unboxing and putting them on the shelves.  I'm going to have to store some in the boxes because I don't have enough room on the shelves.  Then again, there is the table that the TV is on which has lots of drawers...  These are the last few boxes I have to empty.

Mentally, I'm doing well.  Just a little anxious about setting up the portal to pay rent.  But I don't HAVE to do that for several weeks when the rent is due, but I probably should anyway.  I found a TV channel that plays old shows like Gimme and Break, Maude, Webster, Facts of Life, Three's Company, Bewitched, and I Dream of Jeanie, to name a few.  I'm enjoying it.  And this is through the TV antenna so it's free!  The reception is good, too.  I checked my mail and there was just stuff for the old people here and not anything important, it looked like, so I left it down in the shelf thingie under the mailboxes.  

My mom and Kevin came over to bring me two chairs and a table for my balcony.  Now I can sit out there and have my coffee.  If it ever gets warm again, that is.  It IS October!  There are what they call "Indian Summer" days that could happen, though!  I bought some chocolate chip oatmeal cookie mix yesterday.  I'm looking forward to baking and eating those.  I think I'll wait until N3 comes over so he can enjoy them, too.  Maybe even N1 and her girlfriend.  They need to see my new place.  They live in the same apartment complex, so they basically know what my apartment looks like, but not what it looks like with my stuff in it!  

I have to pay this month's rent and next month's rent together.  They just took the security deposit.  I will have to sign up for the portal before I can do that, though.  As it stands now, I don't even know how much my rent will be!  (That information hasn't come in the mail yet.)  I hope it will be as much as or less than what it was at the old place.  

I went grocery shopping yesterday.  Got a medium amount of food, plus laundry soap and Febreze.  So now I have food to eat.  I got blueberry bagels, cheese and crackers, frozen microwave meals, cream cheese, cookie mix, butter and eggs... Just stuff!  I want to make those cookies with N3 but it occurred to me that I don't have a cooling rack for the cookies.  I don't know where it went because I used to.  Maybe N2 has it?

Listening to Chime Again Beautiful Bells, on a CD all of old recordings of counter tenors, only these men sing in the soprano range (not castrati!).  The original scratch is on the recordings.  I'm not sure when these were recorded- 1920's and '30's I would guess.  This is a copy of the original album so I have no idea of the names of the singers or names of the songs.  

I'm kind of bored.  I know I have a few things to do still- I think I'll move some of the records over beside one of the shelving units instead of have them under the dresser that the TV is sitting on.  And I need to put away the VHS tapes.  I don't have many, but I do have some.  Especially important is N3's ultrasounds.  I haven't seen those in YEARS.  I thought I had one of N1, but I don't have it anymore if I did.  I also have a movie on VHS called "Almost Angels".  It's a fictional story about the Vienna Boys Choir.  


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