Saturday, April 8, 2017

Sliding Toward Psychosis?

The following from my medical chart makes me sad. Apparently, they found these meetings more serious than I did. I remember being matter-of-fact. Could it get worse at some point? I saw everybody as aliens at the grocery store. That seems like only yesterday. And I completely remember how I felt. Will that happen again then? They said I was manic- severely. Was I? They never told me that. I have this report as part of my disability case: I was given a copy of my records. I'm sure this isn't everything they wrote, but its a glimps. I felt myself thinking someone was after me at the grocery store this afternoon, actually. I told myself, "No, no they're not" but I still hurried away from that person. Last weekend, I was walking toward my car in a parking structure when three people walked quickly behind me and my daughter, catching up with each pace. Into the structure they went after me. I thought for sure they were plotting to kidnap my child. When we got up to my car, they got into theirs- right next to mine. When does a person slide from thinking people are after them to severely psychotic?


F31.2:Bipolar disorder, current episode manic severe with psychotic features (Active as of 10/16/2015)

F29: Unspecified psychosis not due to a substance or known physiological condition (Active as of 11/21/2013)

F31.9: Bipolar disorder, unspecified (Active as of 10/29/2014)

F39: Unspecified mood [affective] disorder (Rule Out as of 11/21/2013)

11/21/13: Client reports paranoid thinking with delusions. (Thinking people are aliens and endorsing a hx of beliefs that she can fly and that she will not die for long if she kills herself.) Client reports a hx of auditory and visual hallucinations, but none at the moment. Client reports anxiety related to personal relationships. Client reports that she tried to overdose to kill herself last night with plans to do so again.

10/08/13: Pt presents as preoccupied, possibly responding to internal stimuli, hears voices telling her to stab herself, reports some improvement in psychotic symptoms.

10/01/13: Client presents "ramped up" with thoughts of jumping into traffic or "flying off of her balcony" w/o specific intent of suicide. She is calm in presentation but she reports that she has felt increasingly "ramped up" over the last 2 weeks. She spoke with her psychiatrist this morning and she recommended she present to PES.

Client is a 41yo caucasian female. Client presents with flat affect, ambivalent in her decision making process, paranoid and delusional (Thinking people are aliens and endorsing a hx of beliefs that she can fly and that she will not die for long if she kills herself.) Oriented x3, denying any current ah/vh, attention intact during interview, insight and judgment arginal. Lithium levels reflect taking meds as prescribed. Negative for benzo's despite reports of overdosing on Ativan last night.Client reports paranoid thinking with delusions. (Thinking people are aliens and endorsing a hx of auditory and visual hallucinations but none at the moment. Client reports anxiety related to personal relationships. Client reports that she tried to overdose to kill herself last night with plans to do so again. Client has access to significant amounts of psychotropic medications including Ativan. Client denies any hx of substance abuse. Client receives MH services from XXXXXXX. Client was psychiatrically hospitalized in November 2012. Client was diverted from hospitalization in February 2013. Client was psychiatrically hospitalized in October 2013 for presenting manic and expressing beliefs that she could fly. Client reports to live with three children, her mother, and her mother's boyfriend. Client reports that her mother is both supportive and a stressor at the same time. Client reports that she has a friend that she feels is supportive, but also believed that he was an alien.Client reports to comply with medication tx usually, which was confirmed by labs, and reports to attend appts as scheduled.

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