Thursday, March 16, 2017

Musical Hallucination While Driving & Sports Radio Hallucination

As I was driving the kids to school today, it was silent. Usually, we ride with music on, but not this morning. In fact, they usually take the bus, but we were running late. So as I'm driving, I hear music. Singing. Sort of "modern" mid-twentieth century music: starts and stops phrases, sort of atonal. It was nice. But all in my head. Or rather, playing outside my head like real music, but really my brain was making it up. Unfortunately, I'm horrible at trying to write down music- and even worse while I'm driving with no staff paper. So, the music came and went without me. *sigh* It was nice while it lasted.

Five p.m. edit: I'm sitting in the recliner waiting to leave for choir rehearsal when I hear what sounds like a radio broadcast. Maybe sports. Its fuzzy and raspy and I can't make out what they're saying, but it keeps going even so. The washing machine is going in the other room, so that makes it hard to hear. I go upstairs to ask my younger son if he is playing anything in this room that I might be able to hear. No, he says, he's not playing anything. My daughter is in the room with me downstairs, but her phone isn't making any noise that I can't hear. More hallucinations it seems. It can't be the washer because I wash clothes all the time and it doesn't do this.

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