Friday, October 26, 2012

Ramped up/Anxious

I slept in a lot compared to yesterday when I was up at 5 a.m. So I made up the sleep. But I've had coffee and feel anxious. Hallucinations didn't come back. Usually coffee doesn't do this. Though I have had flashes of memories from being manic: flashes of being impatient and people being slow. Can't stand being where I am from moment to moment. Had lunch with Friday lunch group. All was well there. I want something to do tomorrow and yet I have no plans. Not seeing psych dr for 3 weeks or so. Can always call if things get worse, but the answer is usually increasing my Zyprexa. Welcome to Zombieland.

1 comment:

  1. Little less anxious. Had dinner. Hoping to get to bed by midnight.
