Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Bipolar Country

This will be a bit off-topic, but maybe not really.

What is it about taking two opposing sides and pitting millions of people against each other? Is there no common ground? None? Facebook, last night, was filled with elated and pissed people. And then people are un-friending each other because of the election results!

What is the psychology of suddenly hating your friend because they don't agree with you? Last month, you had coffee together perfectly well. And now all the polarizing- no pun intended- topics come up and friends are pitted against each other.

Even Rush Limbough- famous for his long-time Conservative talkshow, couldn't say anything but "What if WE did what they do? Would they vote for us?" Never thinking that maybe the people who voted for Obama just didn't like Romney as a person, no matter what party he was professing?

Why do these things break up friendships? What is the psychology of an election when million of people see "them" and "us" - a big game to be won?

Yes, the country is bipolar. Yes, Tom Brokaw, news anchor, said we were "schizophrenic"- meaning split, I think, but I like the idea that we're all hallucinating. And that can happen if you're schizophrenic, OR "merely" bipolar.

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