Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Social Security Disability

I was driving the car when the phone rang. I answered it. The voice on the other end said he was from social security and I had been approved to disability! My first time applying and was approved! No appeals, nothing. I am so happy with my lawyer who helped me and with the judge which I sat in front of last summer. I thought it all went well last summer but you never can tell. My lawyer thought it went well, too. So the man who called asked me many questions to confirm I was really me and information about my bank account so funds could be direct deposited. He wanted to know historical information on where I've lived and and other money-type questions. The way we left it, I seem to be getting a deposit this Friday (in 3 days). The only issue was that he thought there was an "89" attached to my bank account number. He was confused about it. I said I never add an "89" when I input my bank account number. He said he'd call the credit union I use and call me back if there was still a problem. He never called back so I assume all is well. I'm so happy that I should be able to pay my bills more easily. But as I said, I know I have to report this income to DHS (Department of Human Services) so they can adjust my DBT card ("foodstamps") amount. I hope it doesn't kick me out of Medicaid as I need that for all the appointments I go to, both for mental health and regular doctor's appointments.

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