Monday, February 25, 2013

Need More Appointments; Losing Friends

I saw my therapist again today. We decided I need to just go DO something- like go to the Henry Ford Museum and take pictures- and once I'm there I'll feel like doing it. Right now, I'm so drugged on Zyprexa, I keep saying, "Nah..." to most ideas. I will have to go on the weekend with the kids. Unfortunately, they just had a whole week off school and we really didn't do much. She also said that she and my psychiatrist talked and they want to have a meeting with all 3 of us and also they want to talk to my insurance to see if I can't have more than 14 or so office visits a year. She said I don't seem to be able to go a month without issues and then they get pretty bad and I end up in the ER or hospital which then costs my insurance more- and me more problems. We're trying to arrange a time when all of us can get together.

Losing friends is about the same person I've been posting about here. He doesn't talk to me all weekend most weekends because he's off with his so-called girlfriend and then the minute its Monday, he's texting me asking how I am. When I didn't respond today, he wrote back asking if I might be in the hospital. Truth is, I'm just thinking the relationship is over. What's left is scraps. So I didn't reply again. Then, he phoned me. I didn't answer. What is there to say except, "I'm done"? He probably won't understand anyway. He doesn't see that I'm given the tiniest part of his life and how I am just tired. The hurt has changed into plain tired. There isn't anything left. After 7 1/2 years, there isn't anything left to hold onto.


  1. He has nothing to offer you. It's best to part. Let him live his life, and you live yours.

  2. I agree with're better than him.
