Monday, October 16, 2017

Horrible Day, Beautiful Choir Day

Been having a horrible day. Filled out housing paperwork but my mom who was helping me called the mean worker at my apartment complex. Apparently my mom called her a *****. (Not to her.) Papers everywhere in piles on the table. Are they all there? Are they in order? Meanwhile I was feeling spacey and dizzy and completely confused. I had felt this way all day. My thoughts were confused and slow - full of molasses. The only thing that clears out my thoughts completely is singing in the choir, like I did yesterday. Rule after rule going through my head- vowel shape, volume, diction, meaning of the words, reacting to the other voice parts, not to mention the other members of your own part... A recording was made of the performance at 4:00. Nobody realized that we were being recorded until afterward. We were sent .wav files of the pieces, but I will have to wait to hear it until the person who recorded it gets back from vacation. Oh well. I can't wait to hear it- I thought it went very well! EDIT: Now its a few weeks later and we sang that same anthem this morning. It came out even BETTER than last time. (And I have yet to hear that recording.) I wish today had been recorded. Ah well.

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