Sunday, January 29, 2017

Sleep and Meds: Working against Each Other

You take Zyprex, which is soporific, but at the same time take Wellbutrin AND Rexulti, which both can cause insomnia. And if I understand correctly, you plan to taper off Zyprexa completely in favor of Rexulti. But then what will happen with your sleep? If you find it hard to fall asleep now that you still have some Zyprexa in your blood, what will happen when you don't? What's the pdoc's plan wrt sleep?

Yes, you are correct about my meds. I have no idea what pdoc's plan is re: sleep. I had insomnia pretty bad when I first started Wellbutrin. I am having some again. I did sleep last night. Its hit and miss. Melatonin is hit and miss too. I'm using my weighted blanket every night. What will happen without zyprexa indeed. I am determined to get off zyprexa and stay off it! I see pdoc in two weeks, so I'll bring this up, even though I don't think I'm going to be completely off zyprexa for another couple months at the rate I'm going.

The above was a post conversation on a bulletin board I had today. The second paragraph is mine, the first is another member's. She brings up a good point. As I think this through, or get more information- especially from my psych nurse practitioner- I'll post more.

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