Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Day 7 on Rexulti & Antipsychotics I've Been On

I haven't noticed any side effects on Rexulti. This is HUGE! I tried so many other drugs a few years ago (wish I'd documented them here) that didn't agree with me. The only one I wrote about is Latuda, but I didn't write what my side effects were. At any rate, I must've tried seven atypical anti-psychotics before Rexulti: Geodon, Latuda, Abilify, Risperdal, Seroquel, Saphris, and Zyprexa. I had different side effects to each. I remember Geodon made me feel like I'd eaten the sun, or an atomic bomb, or just plain a bunch of radiation! I had akathisia with Abilify. Seroquel I had hives and a swollen throat (I believe). Risperdal raised my prolactin; I was walking around looking for "the baby". "Where's the baby?" I kept asking myself. Of course, I had no baby. My body was making milk from the Risperdal! Zyprexa, of course, the one I've been on the longest and am weaning off now, gave me very high cholesterol (to the tune of 700+) and a fairly large weight gain. I've heard Rexulti has the ability to do this, too, but my psych nurse practitioner sings its praises so I'm going to do so also. I'm getting to the end of the list of atypicals. I have never tried a typical antipsychotic, and I probably won't unless we run out of options. I feel like I've left out a drug or two that I've tried. I'm just happy that I haven't had any side effects on Rexulti after seven days on it! Tomorrow, I get to start titrating down off Zyprexa. Yay!

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