Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Pdoc Leaving for Good - Having a baby too!

I just had my appointment with my therapist and my psych nurse practitioner. We discussed family therapy with my mom and how to get that set up. But mostly we discussed that my psych nurse practitioner is leaving. She's not just going on maternity leave in April, she's leaving and moving away! When my old therapist left, I cried. Not this time. Weird, since I've always liked her quite a lot. She's always been very good at what she does. Gotten me through many med changes and odd bipolar states. I will now get a resident for a few years. I have no idea what this person will be like, but I guess I'll just have to see. I hope they are good! Its the meds they will be messing with - and my brain! I also need to go get a new script for Zyprexa so I'm taking one pill twice a day instead of four pills a day. Oh darn.... I'm gonna miss her! She's having a baby in about six weeks and I wished her a happy labor and delivery and baby. She seemed a little taken aback when I talked about personal things, but I meant them, so why not? I just hope I get along with my next pdoc as well as I did with her. She is awesome. It occurred to me that she has to deliver this news to every single person who has been her patient and all of the reactions that comes with that. Not easy!

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