Saturday, October 27, 2012

Comfortable Detatchment

I am at whole foods. The battery on my iPod is about to die.  I'm feeling shaky.  I had some yogurt in case it was blood sugar though I don't have a problem with that. The sun is going down.  The atmosphere with the Saturday shoppers and the lighting is making me more detached.  Where the world's rules cease to function. Its comfortable, ironically.  Except the vibrating feeling I still have.  It's almost an anxiety which makes me feel that my friends are put off by me somehow.  One of which said she would meet me at the book store and then didn't.  So I called her: she was across the street at another store and furthermore she never said shed meet me;  in fact, I was completely wrong!  Now, am I remembering something that never actually happened or is she being mean to me by changing her mind and then lying to me blatantly? 

More later.  I forgot my password to this site so will have to log in later when I have more battery on my iPod.  Battery about to die.

  Home. Heat in car helped but still cold/anxious. Sun not down yet. People had better leave me alone. Or give me hugs. Can't decide which.

1 comment:

  1. I was getting up to leave, after our time at Starbucks. You asked me what I was doing, or where I was going (I forget which question specifically). I said I was going to the bookstore. I didn't say I'd meet you. We'd already "hung out" and I wanted "me" time. You also were talking food, which I wasn't interested in. I don't punch a time clock for anyone, and if I want me time, it's mine to have. If I want to break a date, so to speak, I'll tell you, though.
