I am having troubles with the move- again! Good vibes are needed. I called and talked with the new complex who said its Friday that I'm being inspected. (I was hoping for today, Tuesday, or Wednesday so that I could move in on Thursday.) Can move that day but we wont know what time just yet. I emailed the section 8 worker but she hasn't gotten back to me yet. I called my current landlord who said I have to pay an extra day but that I have to put my keys in the drop box by Monday at 8 a.m. I'm working on getting the keys from the kids so I can't hand them back. So this COULD all work out if my mom and her husband and the movers are free- and the lady who wants the piano. The big problem is the movers.
If they can't do it Friday we will have to move everything ourselves. I don't know what time I'll be moving- depends on when the inspection is. The movers don't have any open spots on Friday! It's going to cost $300 plus $100/hr! My section 8 worker says she has to have confirmation from the inspector of the unit passing before she can give me the ok to move in. I hope the inspector emails her asap on Friday! This is all my fault for not getting the paperwork to the new complex in time. I think we can get the stuff moved on our own, if the movers don't get an opening for Friday. It would just be much easier and nicer if we could have movers, of course. Mentally, I am just ready to be moved already! I cannot stand all these changes, even though I think I am dealing with them well. We moved me into here without movers, so why not move me out/in without them? Obviously, movers would help tremendously - It's going to take a miracle for them to be free on Friday. Good news is that my aunt is free Friday and so is Caleb. My friend Cassandra has three able-bodied boys that can help, but they are in online school until 3:00. Speaking of kids, I hope my three kids can help, too. They are able-bodied and young! N2 might be working, but we will see about the other two. Depending on when the inspection is, we may be moving in the evening. We shall see. At least we know when the inspection is, now.
Tuesday, September 29, 2020
Moving Troubles! Good Vibes Needed!
Saturday, September 26, 2020
Pre-Moving Day
I am sitting listening to NPR waiting for my new couch to be delivered- of course, the old couch has to go first. My eldest child is getting the old couch for her apartment. I've been up since 7 a.m. and it's now 8:40 a.m. Today is my youngest's 19th birthday! He is coming to help get the new couch and bring it to my place. We will have to move the couch again on Thursday when I move but I hope it is relatively easy- especially moving the old one into my eldest's place.
Was reading a couple more articles about bipolar and migraines- apparently they are really linked. I've posted about this before, but thought I'd reiterate that they are related to each other. Luckily, I haven't had a migraine in several months. Sumatriptan works if you catch the migraine early. If you let the migraine get really bad, it's not going to help. Rizatriptan works much better, but my insurance won't pay for it any more. You can find many articles on this just by doing a google search.
This morning is very nice. I'm up, having had a couple cups of coffee. I should eat something, but all my dishes are packed, basically! I hope my moving day is as lovely. I can't wait until we are done moving things in this Thursday - boxes everywhere, but the couch will be there and I hope it works out for hooking up the TV/internet on one side of the living room and the couch on the other. I think Caleb and I will get some stuff put away the day he is here- actually the next day. I don't know when he will want to go home- it depends on how long he wants to rent the car for, I guess. I wish he would stay Thursday and Friday at least.
I am thinking that Monday will be my day to sign the lease. Maybe Tuesday or Wednesday at the latest. I will feel so much better after that. I don't even know how much my portion of the rent is yet. And I assume they haven't done the inspection yet, but if not I hope they do it soon and it passes! The new complex said the apartment was ready two weeks ago, but they couldn't do the inspection until they got back a packet that the new place needed to fill out and send back. I also need the link to the portal where I can pay the rent. I'll have to pay for one day at the old place since I'll be here on the first still. I have the internet still running through Thursday here. Therefore, I can pay the one day of rent and the water bill here. I hope they can move my internet to the new place. They said they couldn't find the address in their database.
So its hurry up and wait. My section 8 worker asked the new complex- a higher up person than I had been talking with- to reduce my rent by $30 a month. They said YES! I was worried that would be another snaffu. Only 5 days left!
Editing to add: My mom and her husband just left my place- the "old" place. The person came to pick up the washing machine! Tomorrow, someone is coming to get the piano and I don't know what to say about the organ. But I need all 3 of these gone before Thursday. My eldest has my old couch now and really likes it! The new couch is wonderful! I just fit laying down on it and it's very comfy to sit on. Oh- the lady who came to get the washing machine said I don't look old enough to be an "empty nester"! Yay! I must look like I'm in my 30's or something because I didn't get carded last time I got a beer at Red Robin. ha!
Monday, September 21, 2020
"Touched With Fire" - The Movie
https://www.imdb.com/title/tt2848324/ There are trailers here to watch for free from this movie.
Last night, I watched "Touched with Fire" on Amazon. It's a movie about two bipolar people- Carla, played by Katie Holmes and Marco, played by Luke Kirby- who meet in a psychiatric ward and make each other manic- several times. I found it to be a little triggering, but nothing too bad. The way it portrayed mania is quite accurate, though I don't have a partner in crime when I am manic! There is a book of the same name by Kay Redfield Jamison. She is famous for her books on bipolar. In the movie, the couple meets Ms. Jamison and discuss her book and lithium and bipolar in general. She can see that they are not medicated and tries to "hint" about how taking lithium improved her life. (I think this really was Ms. Jamison in the movie.) The main characters get pregnant and paint an elaborate interpretation of "Starry Night" by the Dutch painter, Van Gogh on all the walls in the nursery before she is even showing. Not to spoil too much, but she decides to take her prescribed medications and he still refuses. The way their thinking is elaborated in the film is very realistic and a little bit triggering for me- including the parts where they fall into depression. That said, they were supposed to be extremely manic and I have been manic but not to the extent as these two characters were- especially him. The ending is a believable ending and all in all it was a good movie. Just don't think that all bipolar people are like these characters all of the time. Maybe not ANY of the time!
They're Doing the Paperwork!
I called the new apartment complex to see if they would send me the link to the online portal again. They said they would and that people are working on my paperwork! Yay. I hope they can get it done soon! I've just been slowly moving things around. I've got my youngest's room cleared out- two big bags of books to give away this weekend at my mom's.
I'm doing well on my diet (not so well with exercise!). I have lost about 10 pounds since I started a little over a month ago.
I have some VHS tapes and books and CDs to give away. That will probably be this weekend.
Let's hope that everything goes as planned! (Or better.)
Saturday, September 19, 2020
I Messed Up! - Race Against Time!
Well I made a BIG mistake and it may mess up my housing! I couldn't figure out why the landlord packet wasn't at the new landlord's place! They said they never received it. I asked the section 8 lady who said she sent the paperwork to ME on 9/2! Damn. I sent the paperwork straight over to the new landlord as soon as I got the case manager's email - thank god we can just email stuff instead of having to snail mail it!- and now it's a race against the clock for them to get it done and get the inspection done all before the first! I WISH I had not let that "little detail" slip my mind! I had THREE WEEKS to send it and I forgot.
Friday, September 18, 2020
Left Hand, Meet Right Hand...
So the left hand is now talking to the right hand- I hope! I talked with my section 8 lady who said the next step is for the apartment complex to fill out some packet of paperwork and send it back, but when I spoke with the apartment complex they said they didn't have it! And here I am in the middle doing what's NOT my job! I gave the new complex the section 8 lady's name and they are going to see if they can get a fax of what they need. Its like they've never done section 8 before or something! And everybody was waiting for everybody else to move! And the clock keeps ticking- after this paperwork gets done, then they need to run the inspection of the apartment and hope it passes the first round because there really isn't much time left for a second round. Plus, I must move on the first because they already paid my current place for the whole month of September and can't pay the new place more. Gosh I hope my section 8 lady is in the office today!
Thursday, September 17, 2020
New Housing!
I *am* losing my housing, but only because I signed paperwork saying that's what I wanted!
I filled out paperwork giving my old apartment complex thirty days notice that I was moving out. On August 28th, I applied online to a new apartment complex. Mind you, I had been looking all over for a one-bedroom place that takes section 8 vouchers. Couldn't find any! So, I applied at this new place and was accepted! Then, they had to send me paperwork to sign and tell me what my rent would be and my security deposit, etc. Then I had to WAIT. Wait for them to do their magic behind the scenes. It got me very nervous. I started to think that they weren't going to contact me again- that they didn't want me to live there. Very paranoid and very anxious! BUT, they just contacted me today to ask if I could move in now instead of a bit less than 2 weeks from now. I can't, of course; for one thing, the housing commission has to inspect the new place to make sure its up to code and their standards. For another thing, I had to recertify for section 8 this month which happens every year, but it just happened to come along when I am trying to move, so I am waiting on that to go through. The section 8 person said she wants to get the paperwork done before I move, so I hope she is quick with it. I got the paperwork done in record time this year, just because of this- so she could get it all processed in time for my move. So this is all a big weight off my shoulders that the new place called me today. The woman at the new rental office said she would get in contact with the housing commission and work out the details, so I hope that goes smoothly. I kind of wish I were ready to move in now, but I just am still mid-packing and of course the voucher, etc. that I mentioned above.
My pdoc just called for a phone appointment. She says it's nice that I'm stable right now and she called the owners of my complex the winner of the board game Monopoly. They so seem that way- they own so many properties around here. I wouldn't be surprised if they were the biggest housing complex owners in the area. We mainly talked about moving and packing and me not living with my kids anymore.
In other news, when I move, I will need a new couch. I was looking at Ikea but their stuff is just slightly too expensive. Besides, I'm waiting to spend any money until I get the security deposit, and rent paid.
Brain-wise, I'm feeling okay. Except for that anxiety the past two weeks thinking something bad was going to happen. Thinking that the new complex would never contact me again. But they DID and they wanted me to move in EARLY! That was so nice of them to ask, but nope, no can do. I feel like I am done packing and have a ton more to do all at the same time. I am putting things in boxes and rearranging the boxes that have more stuff in them. (The stuff fits- the box is just really heavy.)
So that's it. Nothing going on except the relief today of anxiety over the last two weeks. And packing every day. The closets are empty and the dresser drawers are empty, the cupboards in the kitchen aren't empty but the stuff in them is organized so we are getting there.
Maybe the next time I post, I will be all moved in and can post an update! It will be such a relief. My friend is coming to help me move and we are going to hang out for a bit too. I haven't seen him in a year and a half- almost exactly! Oh- and my mother hired movers to get the stuff up the stairs from the truck, so that is wonderful because when we moved my eldest child less than a month ago, it was very hard getting things up and around corners. And my eldest and her girlfriend are in the same complex I am and also on the 3rd floor. So yay for movers! I look forward to unpacking everything and putting it in its spots/finding spots for everything. So now I am looking forward!