Friday, September 18, 2020

Left Hand, Meet Right Hand...

 So the left hand is now talking to the right hand- I hope! I talked with my section 8 lady who said the next step is for the apartment complex to fill out some packet of paperwork and send it back, but when I spoke with the apartment complex they said they didn't have it! And here I am in the middle doing what's NOT my job! I gave the new complex the section 8 lady's name and they are going to see if they can get a fax of what they need. Its like they've never done section 8 before or something! And everybody was waiting for everybody else to move! And the clock keeps ticking- after this paperwork gets done, then they need to run the inspection of the apartment and hope it passes the first round because there really isn't much time left for a second round. Plus, I must move on the first because they already paid my current place for the whole month of September and can't pay the new place more. Gosh I hope my section 8 lady is in the office today!

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