Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Manic Memories

 I've had times when I've been very angry and screamed at people and had no idea that I was manic! I don't KNOW I'm delusional when I'm delusional. I want the crazies to stop. I want the others that I'm screaming at to stop screaming at ME! It never occurs to me that they might be screamign back at my screaming. EIther way, its not good. I left a fight like that once and took my car out and drove to a drug store, calling my sister telling her

Possible trigger: 
I wanted to kill myself
and so my sister asks me where I am and the police show up but I'm on the phone with my pdoc by then so when I get out of my car, two cop cars have blocked me in and the police are searching my car with flashlights. The end of that story is that they called an ambulance and my sister showed up and said she wanted to cancel the call, but they said "Nope! It' too late now. The wheels are in motion!!" (The wheels of the process not the ambulance wheels!) I ended up at the psych ER and they let me go and my sister drove me home. So yeah- you can see how things get out of control when I'm manic!

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