Saturday, August 30, 2014

Aliens 5- The Narrative

I had gone shopping at the grocery store. It was a store where I always shop. I went up to the bathroom to pee and when I looked at my reflection as I washed my hands, I could see I was an alien. Big, black eyes staring back at me. I could FEEL them! I looked away, scared. Moving downstairs toward the people they moved about with their carts. Seemed a normal evening down below me. I pushed my cart along, looking at the text message my daughter had sent me of items to pick up. Suddenly, a woman's eyes caught mine. They were dark. I could see into them more deeply. It was as if she knew my whole being. I knew she was an alien. I concentrated on my shopping, but the more I shopped, the more it became clear that each and every person in the store that day was an alien hybrid: Half alien half human. They all could tell that I knew what they were. Some were more tuned into me than others, but nonetheless all of them were alien-human hybrids. Even feeling like I was an alien hybrid myself didn't keep me from feeling a separateness from these hybrids. I wanted to finish my shopping and get out. And yet, I was fascinated. I couldn't stop looking into their big eyes. I was drawn through them- into their beings. I couldn't shake the feeling that they were everywhere and that they wanted something from me. They wanted me to feel I was one of them. At the same time, I was telling myself that I was just shopping and that I was just hallucinating or being delusional and that it would pass. I concentrated on pushing the cart- the feel of the handle in my hands and the sounds of the wheels turning. By the time I finally got in the checkout lane, I still thought everyone were aliens, including myself. I went through the motions of putting the items on the belt and swiping my card. And that's what they were: just motions. I was in another world the entire time and could not get out. That woman! Her EYES! They were almond-shaped for sure and she knew what I was thinking, WILLING me, to keep going the way THEY wanted. She KNEW what was in my mind and there was nothing I could do about it. I managed to load my food into the car and drive home. Strangely, the aliens did not follow me home. I had thought my children would be aliens too, but they weren't. Things seem to return to normal. In fact, I went back to the same store the next day to get milk and saw people but no aliens. I'm not sure if this was a delusion or a hallucination or both. I'm glad I got it down.

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