Saturday, August 30, 2014

Aliens 4 -A chat with a friend

The following is a conversation I had yesterday with a friend.

ME: So what do you make of my episode today?

FRIEND: You continue to hallucinate?

ME: Not since ive been home

FRIEND: No, I meant the episode was nothing new.

That's what I make of it.

And as Scott said, you weren't a danger to yourself or others.

So, not a great thing to have happen, but could have been worse.

ME: Worse how

FRIEND: The aliens could have told you to harm yourself.

ME: Oh. Yeah

FRIEND: Aliens will do that, you know. Can't trust them big-eyed little fuckers.

ME: Yeah

They are 1 1/2 feet tall

FRIEND: So were you that short too?

ME: No

FRIEND: So you were a freakishly tall alien?

ME: I was just my height

These aliens were hybrids

Which is freakishly tall for an alien

So looked mostly human

FRIEND: Seems almost like a waking dream, triggered by that movie you saw.

Otherwise known as a hallucination?

ME: Im afraid to sleep tonight

FRIEND: Why? I'd be afraid to stay awake. You didn't have a problem while you slept.

ME: Bad alien dreams

FRIEND: Or not. Never know till you get there.

ME: Then its too late

FRIEND: But you could have no problem at all. Can't predict.

ME: Right

Bipolar board was no help. Just said "use dbt" i dont remember a lesson on this

FRIEND: Dreams can't actually hurt you. Even bad ones. You can wake up in a cold sweat and banish them.

ME: Im worried real aliens will come

FRIEND: Oh. That's easy. No they won't. Because they don't exist. Next?

ME: Still worried

There were so many at the store

FRIEND: That was a hallucination. Hallucinations, by definition, are not real. ?

ME: Im worried theyll be peering at me

FRIEND: They. Are. Not . Real

ME: Ok then worried ill hallucinate again

FRIEND: So what? Didn't hurt you before.

ME: Scarier m maybe

FRIEND: Still won't hurt you. You can will it away.

ME: Maybe

Watching another movie- without aliens

FRIEND: LOL Good idea. . .

ME: Cant watch loveboat. Recordings are unavailable

FRIEND: Huh. Maybe cause they took it off the air?

ME: No all the recordings on the system are gone

They may come ack online

FRIEND: Right. But are they actual recordings or just links to the content stored on the cable system?

ME: Probably links

FRIEND: thats what I was thinking

ME: It does this sometimes then the recordings show up again

FRIEND: ok so perhaps these will too

ME: Yes

FRIEND: time for me to say goodnight


outta here

ME: Ok goodnight

Ttyt mYbe

8 hours ago

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