Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Filling the Pill Boxes is Tedious On My Birthday

Today is my birthday. I'm 45. Yup. Now you know. My children will all be 20, 18, and 16 on their birthdays later this year. I've spent the day doing exciting things like paying the rent and taking a half-hour nap. My eldest did invite me out for lunch, so we went to Chili's. (I had fajitas.) He brought his girlfriend. That was nice.

So the one thing hanging over my head is that I need to do my pill boxes today. I have so many scripts I haven't even opened never mind filled the boxes with. If I don't do it, I'll have to take the pills out of the bottles each time I need to take them and that's even more of a pain than filling the boxes.

Day 1 down of the 7.5 zyprexa dose and so far so good. I hope it stays this way.

EDIT: I got the pill boxes done. It was a chore- there are a bazillion bottles, and a lot will need refilled before the next round. Side note: There are soooo many pills! I called the anti-coagulation clinic about my coumadin dose, and they said "Happy Birthday!", and told me that I should've had my levels checked back on the 5th! Guess where I'm going tomorrow? I have other blood work in the system for my thyroid, too, that needs doing. (My thyroid is low due to the lithium that I take.)

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